Thursday, December 5, 2013

More Holiday Talk?!

There is so much said about the holidays it seems almost trite to write about them.  Perhaps what I like most about the holidays is that things do slow down even if for brief periods of time.  I think our lives are much too busy.

At Thanksgiving -our American holiday - is a time to focus on what we are grateful or thankful for. It can be difficult to remember that we have so much especially when our culture is one that values striving for more.  We seem to be pushed to focus on what we lack or want rather than what we already have and could be enjoying.

Christmas is a time for connecting with family, friends, neighbors,community and showing that we do care.  We are so busy during the year that having time to do even some small things is a wonderful gift.  I am a mid westerner so I like to follow one of our traditions and bake Christmas cookies which I take to neighbors and friends.

New Year is not a time of resolutions for me but I do find myself reflecting on the past year and what I have learned, enjoyed and accomplished.  It is a time for me to refocus myself on whether I am living the life I want to live. Where am I spending my time, energy, money?   Am I using my resources and my talents - whatever they may be - to enrich my life and the life of others around me?  Do I feel fulfilled?  You get the idea I think. I can't write down everything I think about but it is a good time to refocus on what is  most important and finding ways to have time for those things.

Happy Holidays to everyone!

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