It is the start of a new year and we feel like our lives can
have a new start as well. Often we act on this feeling of “newness” by
resolving to shed some of our bad habits or by vowing to create some new good
habits. I have nothing against New Year
resolutions. I just believe they would
be more productive if they were preceded by some honest reflection about our
lives and ourselves.
Here are a few of the things I am reflecting on at the start
of this New Year. Has my behavior over
the past year reflected my values? Or
perhaps have I strayed from those values in how I treat others? Am I putting my energy into activities that
promote my values? Am I holding a “grudge” against a co-worker,
employer, friend or family member? How
can I resolve that grudge? Holding onto
anger keeps me anchored in the past and in unhealthy patterns of behavior. Failing to be true to my values causes me to
not like myself.
Sometimes we don’t
even realize these things are happening to us.
We just have a small nagging feeling that something is amiss or not
right. It is very easy to ignore those feelings by
staying busy or occupied. We live in a
world that values activities and staying busy. Time spent reflecting is often
seen as a waste of time and a sign of laziness because we didn’t “accomplish” a
task that can be quantitatively measured.
Honest reflection can lead to resolutions for change. We always have the power to change our lives
by changing our own attitude and behavior even if nothing else changes. So join me in reflecting this New Year. It may be the most productive thing we can do
even if we can’t “prove” it to someone else.