Friday, September 2, 2011

What If Again!

I have been contemplating a career move for quite some time.  (Who isn’t these days?)  In what I have always thought to be a responsible way of dealing with such a huge change I started envisioning and evaluating the consequences of such a change.    It is good to evaluate the pros and cons.   However because I have recently been working on being more self aware regarding the way I deal with things and the messages I send myself I realized that I only evaluate the cons.  My internal dialogue is peppered with “What Ifs”.  For example:  What if I don’t like the change.  What if I fail at the new venture?  What if I am doing right now what is best for me?  What if……

I have really started to dislike those two words.  For me they seem to be the embodiment of negativity.  I rarely say, What If I am really happy at my new venture or What if I am a huge success.   The words seem to naturally be followed by a negative statement.

As I contemplate this huge change in my life I have decided to banish those two words from my vocabulary and my mind.  When I use them I am lamenting some long past choice that I made and wondering if it was the “right” choice or imaging a negative future. I don’t want to devote my time and energy to either of those ventures.  Traveling down the road of “what if” is a dead end.  Is it the same for you?